Whenever there is a new need of communication, it has parallel effect on communication technologies. From symbolic and sign language to the current Internet, the role of communication technologies drastically changed their face. Today, we are provided with various kinds of communication technologies, which are shaped up according to the user needs. Whether it is a simple Fax or a telephonic conversation or an E-mail, each one is intended to satisfy a specific need of user.
Though each mean of communication has its own advantages & significance, apparently voice communication is more popular and predominant in our society. The unique advantage of real time experience of telephonic conversation made it more popular among all other means of communication. Though it is popular, providing such communication at reasonable costs is still remains a challenge. Considering the fact that cost reduction is not possible in the current telephonic system the only option left to us is to develop alternative voice communication technologies which can provide services at low cost.
The development of Internet has opened the doors to explore the alternative means of voice communications. The Internet telephony is not just a mere alternate of voice communication, but it is a revolutionary concept, since it is the most effective way of reducing the costs of voice communication. The Internet telephony communication is done by using VOIP and is an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol, or in more common terms phone service over the Internet. To establish this communication we have to develop VOIP Client & VOIP Server.
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