Abstract - India has the reputation of having the highest transmission and distribution losses in the world with a massive 38 percent loss. Independent studies show that much of these losses are due power theft and unaccounted electricity. No wonder the Supreme Court of India directed the setting up of seven special courts to deal with cases of power theft. This paper suggests a cost effective model for remote metering of electricity and prevention of illegal electricity usage through Power line communication (PLC). PLC is a technology that sends data through existing electric cables, is set to turn the electricity distribution grid, the largest existing network in the world, into a data transmission network. The power line being a harsh environment for data transmission, this paper proposes suitable modulation techniques and medium access control methods. FSK modulation enables cheap implementation and suits the low data rate requirement, ALOHA and Polling techniques are suggested for medium access control. The Remote Electricity Metering (REM) gets rid of the expenses involved in manual metering, which is also prone to human errors and illegal accounting. The Power Theft Detector (PTD) module enables to detect where electricity is illegally tapped and instantaneously alerts the Central Power Station requesting for suitable action like tripping of power supply to that particular point. By the combination of these two proposed systems, tremendous savings could be realized in the power sector.
Keywords - PLC, Remote electricity metering, Power theft prevention.
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